I am a sensitive/clairvoyant. Which means not only can I feel the spirits emotion and generally see them. Sometimes in front of me like a live person sometimes it is almost like watching a movie through my minds eye as I have been told. It is how they want me to see. This is not a easy way to live as a child it scared me. It was hard to ignore and made things worse at times growing up. I wanted to try this out because my sister told me it is a good app ( she is non-gifted ) we come from a long proud line of Irish travellers ( gypsy ) who are very gifted. So my sister who is non gifted has been trying for years to find a gift which is sad these gifts are not always enjoyable they can put you in harms way. So she was with my niece ( her daughter sensitive as well 15 yrs old ) and she was using this device my niece had told her many times nothin g was there it was just a game app not real. So my sister asked me to try it out. Most spirits who want to communicate use more then one word they almost from a small sentence to the questions yet all this did was one word. I did not see or feel spirits when it said one was presence. So I took it into a home I knew had paranormal activity. This device not once picked it up however all our other tools we used ( including my ability ) did. So if you are trying to make a real emf recorder you have some bugs to work out. Sadly so far this is just a toy to get the non gifted bloods pumping.
Irish Girl 79 about Ghost EVP Radio - Paranormal, v2.2